
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

''It's time to grow the hell up, Hannah'' They said, lovingly of course.

God lord have had a quite strange couple of months really and am quite confused, probably the reason as to why I have been listening to Pixie Lott on repeat a lot (ha) lately....Bringing back such wonderful memories from my past 11 year old life...ahh. Anyway, have had possibly, or what has seemed like...a thousand bloody panic attacks about my A-level choices. Good grief....I don't think I have EVER been so terrified in my life and so have found myself constantly running up to the nearest sixth former I can find and stuttering trying to ask sensible yet exceedingly specific questions, failing of course, and desperately trying to find a reason to take Chemistry, even the slightest of a reason would have made me run and completely change my mind and re-think all my options! Although, I must say...I really do hate Chemistry and my sixth form life would possibly feel very much like the life of a perpetual sugar atom if I did take it....wondering aimlessly in the valley of doom or whatever, I don't really know what happens after year 11...and quite frankly,I think the surprise of this daunting prospect would be much better left to when I am actually IN sixth form...because I needn't need to worry about anything else right now as my GCSES are in...78 days...which isn't even 3 months and I have an awful lot of work that I SHOULD be doing...ha ha I can almost feel my osmo-receptors sending electrical ''fuck life'' pulses to my brain.

I repeat again my GCSES are in 78 days. And what have I been doing for the last year you may ask or even today, no I was quite good today, ahh but last Tuesday...yes yes...Oh I was just 'catching up' on 7 years of Greys Anatomy in the space of 3 months *successful of course* - but simultaneously putting a complete and utter disgrace to not only my unfinished homework BUT my skin...don't think after 5 hours of sleep my 50 shades of grey under my eyes would feel very grateful if we made it 51 shades of grey, now would we?

My days these couple of weeks have basically consisted of me waking up in the morning and looking on bloody prospects  trying to find some sort of meaning I can give to my adult life....Constantly doubting my aeronautical engineering dream before becoming a pilot...and then me begging my mother to tell me exactly which A-levels I should pick, then me asking my friends, random sixth formers, my teachers and then sort of developing a sort of ''let life unravel with all that it brings'' attitude before having some sort of fit and then crying over attractive boys whilst stuffing my face in pasta....and that is really all to it. That is really all to my days lately. And so my life as a stupid 15 year old girl continues who, by the way, has decided to take Physics, Maths, Biology and English Literature accompanied by tears and a big bum....

If only I could be be paid to blog about my 'exciting' life (ha ha). Wouldn't that be marvy....However, that would possibly make me ever so slightly forever alone...sorry this is early should this have waited until Friday? V-days is going to be a marvellous evening spent with my laptop in a 180 degree angle....or lying horizontally (no other way to put it really I'm afraid). Also if I were paid to blog, then I fear that I would become a cat lady even though I don't think that would be the wisest compromise for a man, if I ever do end up picking a cat over a boy though, please slap me across the face several times....I feel as though that would be the nicest action to take. Sharp and ruthless just how I like my Mac and Cheese.

....but should I take Chemistry??? Maybe a perpetual sugar atom life isn't too bad after all. No no no Hannah! Or is it? 

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