guess I should really start this off with saying that if one more person says
anything about how society MAKES girls want to look like the girls in the
magazines, I will cry. To be quite honest, I have NEVER understood this
concept. I DON'T understand this concept and I WILL NEVER understand this
concept. Okay, I actually do understand this concept and I see where people are
coming from, but...(Aha!) surely people have a mind and will think to
themselves ''But I can't look identically like her because my chromosomes
haven't combined in the same way hers have, and that's okay because nobody
looks the same!''...? No? Well, if not you have failed. Because, that is what
you must think from now one, child. Not all this hocus pocus about society...I
really think the word 'society' is overused but not said with any meaning, if
you get what I mean. Why is it that this so-called society tends to get all the blame for all of
life's problems. Who the fuck even is society? Why haven't we got rid of
society if it just fucks with us all the time...and then you realise (some deep
philosophical shit coming up next)...we are society *mind blown*. Am I right?
Tell me you love me and that I'm right because, in all seriousness, I am. We
make up society, so society really is what you personally make of it...because life is what you make out of it...so I would
really not pay attention to all this bullshit society talk and start taking
responsibility for your own life and stop blaming poor old society. I think
it's had enough shit already man. Blame yourself. Jeez. Louise.

I don't know if you've been living in a cave for the last 3 years or not...but,
there has been all these campaigns spreading awareness on...''Body
confidence'' and ''Body love''...and I don't mean to sound like a cynical bitch
but I think it's all ridiculous in a way really. Don't get me wrong, I think it’s
a wonderful thought but the delivery is off I think, personally. ''Love your
body'' ''Be confident'' ''Tell yourself you love you and chant your best
qualities three times a day...'' - All a bit cringe and ineffective I think. Of
course, some cheesy romantic will, take this so-called 'life' lesson to heart
and stand in front of their bathroom mirror telling themselves how beautiful
they are...and do you know what? Good for them! But for the majority of
us...well, how do I put in nicely really? I think it's just a bloody waste of
time. Good lord. It will probably go something like this: You open your
magazine, you will see a beautiful woman telling you to not compare yourself to
other (quite rightly so) and to love your body. Okay...you will think to
yourself ''Ye sure I love myself'' and then you will take a shower,
accidentally peep at your reflection in the bathroom mirror and cry at your
body and wish you were Miranda Kerr. And that's how it will go because it is
reality and nobody truly loves their body...we should...but not all of us are
pretentious mother fuckers who exude vanity. We are (let’s face it) hateful
human beings who in fact, do not love our bodies all the time. We wish we did.
But we don't. And that is the sad sad truth of it.
And do you know what.
Good. That's how it’s really supposed to be. We can try and we can fail to love
our bodies. But everyone's the same. And we can be hateful together! In all
seriousness though, I think that we should try to love our bodies, but I
think it's really bloody hard especially if you're a very self-critical
person....which let’s face it, is everyone. So we set ourselves goals, pamper ourselves, spend money buying all sorts of god-knows what to make ourselves prettier and so we can
love ourselves more. And do you know what. Fab. That is what we should be
doing. But I think the most wonderful thing our hateful selves should do to
avoid the dark side of body love...is to stop worrying about what we look like
(AS MUCH)- *reality guys, always factor in reality*) and worry more about being a nice person because really that's all we have control over in our lives and I
think a nice person is truly, the prettiest person and the true epitome of body
And with that I am
going to stuff down a whole bowl of pasta,
Good luck and I hope you still love me.
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