
Monday, 7 January 2013

A sweet T-h-a-n-k YOU!

Call me old fashioned as much as you please, but I cross on my heart that Thank you notes are a definate MUST. I seriously can't begin to emphasize how important and curtious it is to do this! I was raised to do this as a child, but whether you were or not....I would suggest getting into the habit of writing them. From a present to even just showing your appreciation for a beautiful evening, there's just something refreshing about recieving a handwritten note showing a few kind words of gratitude. *Handwritten, not text*

There is a few tips and things you should be aware of when writing notes:

1) Use nice paper. Perhaps card, or scented paper for an extra touch. You don't have to go all out and

spend lots of money you could simply make your own personalised paper. With stamps, glitter and beads!

2) Use a nice pen. Please. You will never understand how important it is to use a good pen. A glittery gen pen or even a nice fountain pen -anything luxurious will fit the bill

3)The note itself. Write something meaningful but if you have nothing to say make your writing bigger - always mention what you are thankful for and how you are going to use the gift.



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