
Thursday, 18 October 2012

London College of Fashion: short course

Unbelievably excited right now! A few days ago, I entered a Topshop competition to win a place at a short course held by London College of Fashion and....well, I won!

The course will take place in January, and all of you can come to by simply signing up here. (The courses are 18+) The prices and date&times will all be there, so you can come and share the experience with me! To be honest, I have been eyeing LCF for a long time now, and I really want to go there when I am older! Perhaps I may take another course when I am back home in summer (England).

If you are under 18 and wish to partake in the programme, there is a course for 15-18 year olds called 'Your future in fashion'. It will commence most probably in January also so please come along to that if you are eligible.



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