
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Saturday Favourites!

It is once again that time of the week! It feels like it was only yesterday when I did my last Saturday favourites. I never really understood the phrase time flies until now! I don't want it to go so fast :( It feels like I am always wasting so much time, so I have decided that I will try to be more productive. haha, I wonder how long thats going to last.

I am so excited on my new feature! I hopefully will be posting it some time next week!eeekk :')
 I also just finished watching Bride Wars for like the gazzilionth time...ah, never gets old. So here it is, this weeks favourites!

Favourite Snack:

I have been having this almost every single day! yumyumyum
Favourite Quote:

...this is not exactly a favourite something...but I suppose you could say that this is a favouite desire? I want to read this book SO BADLY

Favourite Smile

Deotzen Kreos is so beautiful
Favourite swimsuit

hahahah, I can wear swimsuit the whole year round- the perks of living in Dubai!
Favourite House?

I want to live on this street when I am older!! This is in Italy I think!
 Favourite laugh:
Sorry I have a lot of fun taking pictures with bananas hahahahaha
I hope you all have a fabulous week ahead :')

Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nathalie! Thank you so much for the follow! Of course I shall follow you immediatly! :')
