
Friday, 8 November 2013

10 secrets to a good year

I've been feeling rather tired these days subsequently....due to endless and I mean endless amounts of homework. Ahh you MUST cherish the years leading up to Year 11 it's not all that fab when you get there , haha!I also recently watched this film Upside down with Kirsten Dunst which was amaze and really recommend it. Anyway, most of my friends have been complaining non-stop recently about how they have been having a dull time ever since school started which I guess is the case for most people. I up until this year have had a love/hate relationship with school and was either really happy or really sad but I have decided that I wanted to really cherish my last school year in Dubai so I have been really trying to make the most of it. So I was inspired to make this post haha, here are my tips for the perfect year xx

1/Go on a Ferris wheel from time to time, especially at night.

2/Practice Yoga. I do yoga every morning for 10 minutes, it helps me feel less tired and gets me into a good mood for the rest of the day!

3/Go for runs on the beach. I'm planning to go for a run tomorrow at 5am if I can be bothered to wake up, haha we'll see.

4/Eat watermelon! Or drink it because watermelon juice is the best.

5/Find a good read

****6/Go on Swings whenever you feel down*****
Its my number 1 fav thing to do EVER EVER EVER, It's really therapeutic and makes me feel like a child again :)
7/ Eat outside 

8/ Speak your mind. 
So important! Honestly this is one of the best advice I can give you, say what you feel and don't feel bad or dumb or stupid.

9/ Eat sweets  - life's too short and sweets always make things better.

10/ Buy yourself roses. 
I do it all the time, roses are my favourite flower and I feel so special whenever I buy myself roses, it's lovely to receive them from people but why should we only rely on others to gift them to us.  Roses are beautiful and make me feel pretty too haha, so every now and again I will buy myself roses and no its not lame! Its lovely to gift things to yourself, I mean why not?
And with that I wish you all a lovely year or whatever is left of the year!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

LCF: Your Future In Fashion

A few weeks ago I attended a two day short course at London college of fashion which was beyond fab I must admit! I would highly recommend if you are interested in a career in fashion - not for me though I'm afraid. It was worth though, because I finally made up my mind and absolutely adamant of going into fashion so now I won't have to forever dream about it (ha!). It was so interesting and very awakening, letting you know all sorts on the industry which by the way is quite different to what people perceive it to be. It gave you insight on all aspects of the industry, showing you know what roles you can play in it and some exceedingly useful tips for your studies leading up to your career. I had the pleasure of meeting Toby Meadows who was a wonderful tutor and I would really recommend taking the course next year if you are interested in this!

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Breakfast Scrub

I've been considering changing my name to the lamest girl in the world because I truly truly am. Fortunately, other blogger's ubiquitous influence has obliged me to start blogging again... I recently (as in like two minutes ago) discovered the best pulchritudinous wrapped and yummiest body scrub of all time....the breakfast scrub by soap&glory!

Upon reading countless fab reviews on this scrub, I decided to finally purchase it myself. And after using it for the third time, I swear on my life it is genius, absolutely marvellous!

It has a truly decadent smell of sweet cinnamon and cookie dough which by the way, smells heavenly! And it works wonders for your body leaving it completely smooth like butter. Having dry skin, finding a good scrub is crucial having to make sure I use one that isn't too harsh but does the job.

Soap & Glory is a brand I connect with my childhood and I view it very much as a family favourite. Maybe shedding a tear or two whilst  reminiscing all the times I have run into boots only to topple over and break countless jars of Soap&Glory products only to scream ''YOU MUST HAVE INSURANCE!'', out the shop and into the 'safety' of Ice Land....So of course, this only added  to the sentimental factor... making this product even more wonderful *wide toothy grin*. It left my skin feeling soft,nourished and smelling absolutely divine! A notable mention must go to the container it comes in, it is almost impossible to break it as well as the genius name as it really is 'breakfast' for your skin, seriously.

Side note, a little goes a long way and I found that using too much can irritate your skin but that's given with any scrub. It does come out the box feeling quite abrasive and harsh initially, but it isn't as harsh as it may seem.

RRP for this product is £8.00 at Boots. Boots are currently having a buy 3 for 2 so I'd recommend purchasing from them if you fancy trying this product out!
                                                      What are your thoughts on this scub?

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Trailing the air hostess glamour trend

A few months ago, I interviewed two air hostesses from the Emirates Cabin Crew for an article on Air Hostess glamour for one8one magazine. The article has been published on their website and will hit magazines in the next issue,hopefully!It was so crazy and hectic compiling this article together but its FINALLY published, and I'm really proud of it. You can read the full article here. The cabin crew were very supportive and answered all questions really well and I am really really pleased with the outcome.I think it's perfect timing because, I'm flying to England tomorrow - so excited!
Ramadan Kareem everyone,

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Behind this face: Valentina Dimitrova

A few weeks ago I wrote an article on a Bulgarian model called Valentina Dimitrova who lives in New York.The article is up on Behind this Face  (make sure to like us on facebook) talking all about her model life and how she made it professionally into the industry! Her video will uploaded shortly which you should have a look at as it's quite the laugh! She is really an inspiration to all models and I hope you do read the article when you have the time.
Hannah xx

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Quick update

Hellooo everyone!So lately I have been working on a new article for Behind this Face on an international Hungarian model called Valentina and I am so pumped for the article to be up in a few days! Life is pretty sucky & my room is quite literally decorated with science and maths past papers....if only I could hibernate in a hole somewhere for the rest of my life....nahhh, actually that would suckkk. I have got a really fun idea for my next post but am still quite depressed that I haven't had time to go to the Chanel exhibition :( It's made me pretty despondent...and so have been endeavouring not to look at too many Dubai blogs as they are plastered with pictures from the event...Gahhhh. If only I could drive!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Coping with Exam Stress

As it's April, tests are just around the corner. My GCSE'S are coming up quite soon, so of course am quite nervous and stressed so I decided to compile some tips to help with all the exam stress. 

Know when to stop.
You should stop revising 24 hours before your test because you're not going to learn a lot of new content. The likelihood is much higher that you're going to stress yourself out and confuse yourself. For last minute, flashcards can be a good resource. They can earn you a few more points on test day, and it's a much healthier thing to do than starting on page one of the textbook.

 Start revising in advance
Everybody knows that revising a little bit over a long period of time is the right way to study, and yet we are all terrible at actually putting this plan into effect. The best time to start revising is at the beginning of the class. Set aside a little time each week to sit down and organize your notes and think about what's going well and what's going badly. Remember that cramming is toxic!

Know your targets.
It becomes quite east to feel like you're simply jumping through a series of hoops as opposed to understanding why that class and that test are relevant to you. If you figure out really why you want to do well, you’ll become more motivated to do so.

Prioritise the tests that are most important
It's a definite mistake to consider all of your tests equal if you're better at one subject than another this is why you shouldn't commit equally to revising for each test. This will take away from an opportunity to really commit time where needed

 Learn how you revise best.
Everyone learns differently and just because your friend makes colourful notes, doesn't mean that's the best way for you to revise too. Any revising is good revising, so do it the way that works best for you.

Get a good night's sleep.
Eight hours is ideal for the night before a test. It may be tempting to stay up late revising, but remember: you're going to need energy and focus while you're taking your test.

You've survived final exams before, and you'll survive them this time too. If you're feeling nervous when you sit down to take the test, take three slow, steady breaths.

Be positive
Have a positive attitude towards your work really helps when you have a lot to do and would rather be somewhere else. Even though you may not feel like working, just pretending to love what you do can make your day better and you may even finish your task before you realise it!

Look forward.
Anything you long for can help you get through with less stress and more happiness! Look forward to an hour of your favourite novel before bed?

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Behind this face: Alexa Chung

Just having me some special bonding time with edexcel higher tier....So I have a Behind This Face article on Alexa Chung who is one of my role models and style icons! So was super pumped writing this article on her. I think she fits the concept of Behind this Face really well because she is so much more than JUST a model. Read my article if you have time here. But for now, Au Revoir mes amis...

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Neon limelight

Happy Easter Everyone :) I hope you are all having a fabulous morning wherever you are...and well done to all of you that managed to commit to lent this year! 

That being said, it is spring! has been for the last 10 days, but it is spring! My birthday was on the 20th so still have to do a post on that but today I have a special something written all about neon.

At 10 years old, pre-puberty and naive, I used to look at teenage girls and wonder if they knew just how tacky they actually looked! Why on earth, would anybody in their right mind even consider buying anything neon? But now, bearing fifteen years and your average fashion obsessed teenage girl…. I, of course bear neon fever. If only my ten year old self could see me know. I imagine my past-self’s mouth open so wide, I am sure you could fit a can of coke can through it, thank the lord that time machines have not yet been invented yet. Amen.

Many have noticed my uncontrollable urge for all things neon and bright. So, like a moth to a flame, it is no wonder that bright green neon coats have captured my heart and always make me whimper as I stroll past designer shops selling delicious green neon coats that I simply cannot afford...
I have fallen deeply, madly in love with neon clothing, in fact it is probably safe to admit that I am adamantly infatuated...There's just something so dashing about it that I absolutely adore; it exudes an air of practical youth and fun.

Neon was first discovered by a Scottish chemist who cooled a sample of the atmosphere until it liquefied, and then proceeded to warm the liquid and managed to capture three gases as they boiled off: krypton, xenon, and neon...I think the fashion industry has a lot to thank science for.

Just a few years back, if you were spotted sporting neon, I assure you, eyebrows would be quick to soar like Para glides. But what was once a fashion faux pas is extremely slowly developing itself into a chic sartorial trend. And I mean slow neon is still probably socially unacceptable to wear in certain places in Dubai. When I am editor of British Vogue, I shall brainwash the world into purchasing nothing other but neon coats. Fashion would be extremely daft to ignore the beginning of the neon craze…imagine what an apocalypse it would be if my glorious plan did not come through…no, I shall not think of such disastrous means. I can only dream of my sweet success.

I know that a lot of people would be petrified to sport a neon coat out open…and since Dubai bearing its unforgiving scorching weather, there is even lesser chance of anybody doing so. But come winter, I shall sport the bright green acne coat that has been on my wish list for absolutely forever. I can imagine myself wearing the beauteous coat sitting front row at the Burberry Autumn-Winter fashion show 2014 thinking just how marvellous and superior my neon coat is compared to all the dull traditional trenches…Watch out Christopher Bailey there’s a new coat in town!

She, who wears a green neon coat, is the quirky cool girl from school; the one you would want to sit next to in class, praying that you would become cooler via osmosis. Her neon is infectious, she is armed with saucy looks and her neon clothes bearing a thrilling demeanour...Immediately,I’m obsessed.

A lot of people think that if you are wearing more than one neon item (who else is sick of the over-rated ‘colour pops’ that accentuated every winter outfit), your shades of neon have to match. But they don't! Personally, I love pairing different washes of neon together. I think two-toned looks are more interesting and scream sugar and spice. Of course, do not go overboard for the love of god. Stick to a maximum of two neon items as you do not want to look like a blind ludicrous twit. There's absolutely no way to sport neon and not draw attention. But a thing to keep in mind if you are colour bashful: Neon is currently being used as a cryogenic refrigerant agent. So you can always resort to freezing yourself and coming back to life in a few decades, once you've developed slightly more confidence.

Neon can also be lovely and also a quick way of shaking up your most comfortable outfit, which makes it perfect for running errands. And as the weather starts to gradually gets cooler (for all the Dubai girls, a few degrees makes all the difference!), and time gradually weaves itself into winter, do not be faint hearted and thus being fabulously fearless and blithely putting on that bright green neon coat!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

6 things every girl in her teens should know

Your teenage years are a vital time period in any girl's life: you could even say it is somewhat of a transition period, when a girl figures out who she really is and what it takes to evolve into a woman. It's during these very years that we find ourselves learning what it really means to 'grow up'. Whilst juggling exams and early morning alarm wake ups it can be extremely easy to misplace the sunnier bit of life. However, this all being said, your teens can actually turn out to be some of the best years and for this reason I have put together a list of things every teenage girl should know to make sure we make the most of our opportunities and never let go of any moments in these fundamental years!

  1. Learn To Spend Wisely: Most girls begin to dip into taking care of their own finances at this age. Learning how to manage a budget for everything you need, can be difficult. In my experience, I have found out that by monitoring your monthly income and listing out what you want can actually aid you to better understand what you’re spending on and how long it will take you to save up for other things you want. It is also important not to go bananas every time you get 200dhs, learn to budget to make things easier in life later...

  2. Get Interning: Your teen years are a prime time to start interning. Not everyone has figured out what they want they want to be in life. I can say that I have no clue. If you get somewhat as a seed of interest in a certain career path...intern! Intern with a company that fulfils what you want to be when you are older. For example if you want to be a lawyer, go talk to a law firm and ask for an internship opportunity. Interning is great because not only does this give you some work experience you can put on your CV, it also opens your mind to that business and will help you formulate the decision if you would like to stick to this career path so that you can take on more internships in this field to get broader experience! It's also a no brainer that it will help you cancel out the job paths that you don't interning with one8one helped me to realize that I never ever ever want to be a secretary but working for a magazine would not be a complete no-no for me. Give it a chance!

  3. Embrace Friendships: It is vital to realize that guys will come and go, but girls will be there for you forever!  Best friends are like four leaf clovers, hard to find and luck to have....and if you ask me, losing a best friend will be much much much harder than losing a boy.

  4. Keep Your Skin Looking Youthful: Teenage years are well...a bit of a up-down-hill for skin. Your hormones are going wild and this has an impact on your skin...your skin may look 'bad' or youthful and good...However, what your skin looks may not be what it will look like in years to come. But! It will help to determine what it will look like...sooooo, 1) wear sunscreen to prevent wrinkles coming in faster than they need to, 2) never sleep with makeup on and 3) Always moisturize and have a good skin care routine. Your skin will thank you later!
  5. Be sure to not repeat the same mistakes: People will often tell you that your teens are a time to make many mistakes. But what’s important to remember is not actually making mistakes, but rather learning from the lessons these mistakes teach us. Take everything as a lesson learned and promise yourself it won’t happen again. 
  6. You are not an oldie: Please remember to never lose sight of yourself. You grow up a ton in your teens, but you’re still young to have loads of fun! You’ll have lots upon lots of time to grow up. Be weird and goofy and go on crazy adventures! These are the memories you’ll embrace when you look back on these beautiful years.

I hope these little bits of advice inspire you take on your teens full-throttle!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Short story: A Blueberry pie

In the frosty December dusk black men’s cabins look snug with a pale powdery purple smoke rising from their chimneys and their front doors glowing with amber from the delicious fires inside.

Surrounding me were ladies in cool fragile pastel prints. They were smiling. Naked Oak trees stood in neat lines. And the slushy snow, bearing a myriad of footprints, was merely evidence. I looked up at the grey cloudless sky and prayed, for that was all I could have done.

Men holding beer mugs were at the front grinning broadly; and women stood at the back holding their children’s’ hands tightly. In the heart of the commotion, there stood a bare dark figure. His chocolate skin glistened in winter’s unforgiving sun but his eyes remained white and gloomy, they looked juxtaposed.

Slow desperate tears trickled down his cheeks as he was poured all over with oil. Suddenly, he was a blaze with dark fire. His flesh bubbled like a baking blueberry pie and its strong scent filled the misty frowning air. With every scream, the crowd cheered harder; they cheered louder; and for longer. I saw my father looking at me from the hazy corners of my eyes, I knew he wanted me to appreciate this morbid entertainment but I could not give in.

 He died innocent. He was another victim of a falsely accused crime. And by the next day, all was forgotten; women went back to knitting and baking cinnamon cookies and men went back to their respectable jobs. It was as simple as black and white.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

How to make your fruit and veg last longer!

My weekly carrefour trips include of stocking up on lots of fruit and veg. I always find myself chucking out half of everything I get in a matter of days...which to be frank, feels stressful and annoying. I bought some oranges the other day and had to throw them out after two days! So I have decided to dedicate this post on...fruit and veg. Oh feel the fruitiness... 

Throw away apples as soon as you see them rot...they will ruin your entire fruit bowl

Keeping plastic at the tips of your bananas helps keep them staying fresher for longer

Tomatoes should never be kept in a fridge!

Rinse your berries with vinegar to make them stay fresh for longer

Mushrooms should never be kept in plastic, put them in a cardboard box.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Organising your wardrobe!

One of my marvy New Year’s Resolutions is to of course keep my wardrobe organised and neat. If I do not constantly organise my wardrobe once a month... things seriously get out of hand and even lost. Below I've put together a few of my own best tips as well as Lauren Conrad's for getting your wardrobe in check to give you a kick spring start :) 21st of March is not that far off guys, hope you are all anticipating Spring as much as I am!
Every day: Remember to keep your closet tidy! A way that works for me is if every time I cannot find something in my closet due to mess and clutter...I do the plank for a minute and do 20 burpees all in one go which seriously motivates me to keep my closet clean. But! If worse comes to worse then....

Once a Month:  Guys, by the end of the month my closet looks like an animal nest. I just...well when I am in a rush I forget to fold and neatly put away my clothes resulting in a mega stress and time wasted not being able to find something! So once a month, I really suggest you all organising and folding your clothes. I hang my clothes in order of colour just because I find that the easiest way for me to navigate my clothes but lots of people find organising their clothes in order of what they hoodies, dresses, t-shirt...much more practical  I have tried both and I recommend colour!

Every 6 Months: I recommend going through your entire contests of your wardrobe and binning anything that is stained, ripped and giving the clothes you don't want any more to charity. If you aren't sure about something, call a mate! 

Once a Year: Donate things to charity and organise a clothing swap with mates. It's important to remember that sentimentality should not warrant a precious piece of real estate in your closet. Another idea is to do the "switcheroo." At the beginning of the year, turn all of your hangers backwards. As you wear items, turn the hanger back around so it's facing the right way. By the end of the year you will see which pieces you wore and what you can get rid of. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Short story: Seeking the truth

Seeking the truth
Joseph Leon got into his bright red BMW convertible in the heart of Surrey. Monday Morning’s cloudless blue sky was smiling to itself shyly in the smoothly shimmering lake and the silk green lawns rippled occasionally in a cool gentle breeze.  

Joseph Leon was a fantastically successful television presenter for the English National Lottery, as well as being one of England’s top accountants. You could always rely on his wide toothed smile to make a triumphant return to your television screens every Tuesday night. This charmingly loquacious man was indeed, credited for changing the lives of thousands, forever.

Behind the television screens, the Armani suits and the make-up …You could say he was as alone as a forgotten Christmas sweater sewn by your grandmother. He often stared down into his breakfast bowl and wondered whether it would be possible to marry a cornflake as his second wife. His first wife had died tragically due to a brain tumour, and nothing had been the same for Joseph since.

A cobweb hung across the corner of his rear view mirror, slowly swaying in the wind. The light shone like rich butter giving everything it touched a slight golden sheen. Normally, he would listen to old eighties pop songs. But today the car was silent; the only sound that seemed audible was his heartbeat, which was rapidly quickening the closer he got to the television studio. His face was blank and emotionless. His green hazel eyes which normally glittered like those of a cobra ready to strike, had lost their twinkle.

As he parked, he took several deep breaths and then he cautiously stepped out of his car.  A slow chilling air followed him. He greeted the security guards with a tremendous smile...A bit too tremendous but never the less, it worked. They were totally under the impression that today was going to be another ordinary day…and so they thought.

Hastily, Joseph walked to the studio. After meticulous planning and days of telling himself that his plan was in fact conceivable, he was ready. He plunged himself over to the metal machine, which would pick up numbered balls at random. He then started to paint the tops of some of the numbered balls silver. He was in his own little word, endeavouring to paint the balls as fast and as neatly as possible. His long gloved fingers were clenched so hard, they were cramping and his tanned forehead was creased and alive with sweat. His lips, pursed together so hard that his teeth felt wobbly. Joseph was only painting the balls which had the same numbers as the ones shown on his lottery ticket, which he had bought yesterday. The machine would of course, favour the balls with the metallic, silver paint. And so, tomorrow he would be crowned England’s next lottery winner…He was done with being altruistic. It was his turn, he thought to himself malevolently.

As he walked back to his car, he felt somewhat lighter. He sunk into his black leather chair, winked at himself in the rear view mirror and then drove off to HSBC. Accountancy, what a joke he thought to himself.        

Joseph’s fingers ached with slow prolonged beats of misery. He was most certainly ready to throw away his calculator. But at least he was tranquil; his eyes were back to their inviting warm hazel and he was wearing cologne. He looked like a proud television presenter.

Joseph arrived at exactly seven pm to film the live draw of the lottery; but only to find the building surrounded internally and externally with commotion. A wash of perplexity danced over his face like fireflies on a hot summer’s night. Suddenly, he realised something had gone drastically wrong. He felt hazy...too many questions wafted through his mind. On impulse, he returned back to his home.

Joseph stomped in to his living room; every step he took on his shiny mahogany floor was like a sharp gunshot. He turned his television on to the news, eyes effulgent. His whole body clenched up and was ablaze with dark fire…Every single cell in his body was whispering “lottery”. He clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his palms and a trickle of blood dropped to the floor. His lips trembled as the realisation hit him… Hard. Fury raced through his body, heating him to his very core and igniting a flame so hot within his heart, he almost screamed in agony. Hot tears trickled down his face in a rage so strong it clouded his common sense. A cruel practical joke that was all, he said to himself. Joseph heard a scream. And it did not stop. It went on and on. Then he realised. It was his own. With a large thud, he collapsed onto the floor in a thunderstorm of emotion. The lights of the TV still flickered and the sound of a shocked England filled the room. Joseph was going to be arrested for fraud. He had been videotaped, injudiciously painting the silver balls and it had been leaked to the English press…Luckily for Joseph; he had already floated away to where his wife was waiting for him.

Velvet brushed against his bare feet as he treaded lightly on moss covered ground. Sweet untainted air filled his lungs with neither the feeling of heavy fumes or icy bitterness, engulfing his body with sweet gentle kisses. Great, brown pillars loomed above him, reaching out to grasp the beautiful green gems, only succeeding in brushing them with the very tips of their fingers. Cracks of light seeped through the trees in a sparkly silver stream from the heavens, forbidding humanity more than the pleasure of sight. He saw her in the corner of his eye. She carried herself gracefully towards him like a queen, high and regal. And nobody would ever know why Joseph Leon, the epitome of Mr Perfection and England’s favourite television presenter, felt the need to ruin his ‘blissful’ life.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Behind this face: Cara Delley!

My new post on Cara Delevigne is out! I have got to admit that Cara has been an unusual model for Behind this Face to write about just because her special attribute wasn't anything she has done or accomplished but instead, her personality! She has said to be a very quirky, fun and humorous model making people easily warm to her and wanting to be just like her. Cara in my opinion, is one of the world's best models....not only is she fun loving but she is beautiful as well. She has an enormously successful career ahead of her and I truly wish her the best. Read my article here on more on Cara Delley!

Friday, 22 February 2013

I am back! *UPDATE*

Hello everyone! So after my one week break from blogging, I am back...JUST TO SAY: it was so hard ohmygosh to stay away from blogging. Every time I was about to make a new post, I resisted and had to do pooey homework and revision. Unfortunately, that's still not over. But I decided to curb a bit of my misery and blog today! Wheyy:) Treating myself...c'est la vie!

Okay so this week I have been non-stop interning from 9am to 3:30pm. And okay, so I know people read this blog and I should only post what I love....and typically I do not post anything negative. But I mean this was my first internship and you know...I am not big on lying. Basically work experience was NOWHERE near as fun as I thought it would be. I interned for 7 hours and I was working for about 4 it was rather boring to say the least. I was given work the first day but the rest of the day I was writing articles which was fun, but I STRONGLY wouldn't recommend an internship with one8one magazine if you do not LOVE writing.

Apart from that, I have been dying in homework  and revision to my eyeballs...which I still have to do!Tomorrow I have a photo shoot to attend for one8one of which I will be modelling, but I don't want to....I want to stay at home and do nothing because I am a lazy stressed-out-to-the-max slob!

Have also written a few bits and bobs for Behind this face and have three upcoming articles for one8one. Also, have a few exciting projects lined up and also a few short stories that I will be posting soon. My birthday is also a few weeks away so I actually am SOOOOO exciting to be blogging again because I have so much to post about :)

Hope you have all had a lovely half term and are all pumped to get back to school, I know I am - if anything work experience has taught me to actually enjoy & appreciate school *no joke*.

Lots of hugs,

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Love is on Sheikh Zayed road & ANNOUNCEMENT

So of course I would firstly just like to wish you all a fab V day filled with lots of love and fun whoever you are spending your day with, for me it will be just a few girlies and sleepeover! And of course valentines day would not be the same without all the lovely anonymous cards, roses and yummies. CONFESSION: I did send one to a cutie guy this year, ha!

Moving on to my next point, sadly I will be taking a bit of a break from blogging because I have too much on right now including my internship and homework and revision and behind this face and more....oh my goodness  so as you can tell am very stressed and I do not think blogging right now will benefit anyone. I do not know when I will start religiously blogging again but when I do I can guarantee much much much top notch posts. 

With that I give you all my love,
Hannah fab banana

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Behind this face article: Cameron Russell

Woahh feels like forever since I have done a Behind this face article! Today, I did mine on Cameron Russell whom I thought was an interesting model with a relatable background. She is a very down to earth and humble character yet still somehow exuding glamorous and designer air. She so freely discusses the downfalls and set backs to modelling sharing her own negative experiences and offering genuine valuable advice.

Do check out the article if you have time!


Wednesday, 6 February 2013

slowly dying...*WARNING* THIS IS A RAMBLE

Ahhh so I have been pretty busy this week :(  So sad as have lots of tests coming up sooon...but life goes on. Have been feeling a bit down and stressed this month but have had such an amazing last couple of days and have been so weirdly happy for no apparent reason ha! Nah that's actually a fib, got myself an internship with one8one which am pretty happy about and will *fingers crossed* start in a few weeks. Am also planning on horse riding with the sis, *her birthday present from moi*. mmm...what else. OH! I have some pretty exciting things lined up soon! Ahhh :) Will promise some more posts soon but will have to take a bit of a break as exams and coursework is overflowing but am trying hard to minimise amount of homework so will be free in the half term to do as I please. YUMMY.

Have also made a new tumblr, people seriously underestimate the significance of having a tumblr. Follow me! My url is english twit. A bit random but I though it described me perfectamondo maybe I should change to hafenglishtwit....or is that too long?
Nah....bonkerados and kisses for you all...
Happy weekend and will do a post for valentines day soon..and no, nobody is allowed to say forever alone because you will not be forever alone I guarantee youuu..

Thursday, 31 January 2013

For the final time: XOXO you know you love me!

Gossip girl has revolutionised the fashion world and it knows it. Girls fantasize over the ever so impeccably dressed Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf. I am a big fan of the series and felt obliged to somehow pay some sort of tribute to the series as it has come to an end. Gossip girl helped me bond with my laptop and I anticipated Tuesday nights as that was Gossip girl time! Haha! So, what other way could I give tribute to this fabulous show other than this: The best outfits on the show. Here it goes!  
Ah Serena and Blair take Paris or Pareeee, as they say. Decked out in head-to-designer. Yum yum yum. 
This was a cute matchy matchy sort of outfit for the friends. Love how they both are colour matching and look effortlessly fab. Totally loving Blair's dress here although most give Serena props for the eye grabbing statement necklace and cute button down :)

Ahhhh! The Oscar De La Renta and the cute Serena laid back ensemble. Of course, Blair has totally out shone Serena here with her breathtaking red frilly Oscar de la renta gown. Being in Paris, it gives the dress an ever more romantic feel!

1) We have Serena's cotillion! Serena is devil knotting and rusty gold rocking all the way. 
2) The iconic ensemble. This is the first outfit we see on Serena and the one that is remember as she gets off the train at Grand Station
3) Ahh! Possibly my favourite dress worn on the show. How gorgeous is this beautiful Greek goddess like Oscar de la renta? 
4) And of course, It's no surprise that Serena looks glam on her wedding day

And for Blair?
1) Looking romantic and elegant at her cotillion
2) In Oscar de la renta once more, Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Oh my goodness I want to actually eat this dress. This scene was so cute :') Even though her and lonely boy weren't to was cute. It was cute.
3) And on B's not-so-happily-ever-after first wedding to the French Prince she looks effortless in Vera Wang and tousled beach waves.

And that was my tribute to Gossip Girl. May it find a special place in our hearts and may CW continue to play reruns from time to time! Cheers to the series!


Monday, 14 January 2013

Short story: The red velvet chair

I am suprised I had the time to write this out today as as I should be revising for tests haha but anywho here is a story inspired by Roald Dahls's ''Lamb to the slaughter.''

The red velvet chair

Mr Baxter sat tranquilly on a red velvet chair. He looked over his shoulder to the grandfather clock and told himself that there was only four minutes until Eve was to get home. He was feeling festive so he resorted to wearing a plaid Christmas jumper, khaki chinos and polished brown shoes bearing the shiniest buckles. He looked airily around the room; he was in his own little world. He was waiting patiently for Eve to get home from work.

He had already sent her laundry to the dry cleaners, cleaned the house, cooked dinner and even set out her favourite earl grey tea with two cubes of sugar alongside some chocolate hobnobs on the coffee table that was also, waiting for her.

For tea, he laid out some roast beef sandwiches cut up in little squares. It was already dark being winter and the room was lit dimly with gentle flickering candles in an easy soft breeze. He was just waiting for Eve to get home.

The gleaming mahogany door slammed open and a red haired short woman, around five foot one walked through. She was wearing a pair of killer sharp heeled boots, that were black and tightly laced up.
“Hello dear! How was your day darling?” Said Mr. Baxter excitedly
Eve pinched her nose and scrunched up her face forming creases on her alabaster pale forehead.
“Honestly Dave, you are like a dog. Can’t one get any peace in their own home?” Eve exclaimed.
Mr. Baxter’s face clouded for a moment but then he smiled.
“Rough day, eh? Sit down and tell me about it”
Eve was about to object but quickly changed her mind at the last moment and sat on the red velvet chair.
“So, go on!” Mr Baxter said enthusiastically
“So….nothing” Eve replied
“Come on Eve….”
“Dave…I am leaving you”
Mr Baxter was taken aback.
“But…” he whispered “why?”
“I have met someone else, somebody who loves me and wants to look after me” she said soothingly
Mr. Baxter Felt a mixture of emotions. He was absolutely livid that she was being ungrateful, whilst he slaved away making her tea and dinner and giving her unconditional love. He was even more furious that she was supposedly cheating on him. However he felt a bizarre stillness in his heart. His eve was so beautiful and kind deep inside; he finally came to the conclusion that he simply didn’t deserve her.
“Who’s the lucky man” he said glumly
“His name is Byron and...and... he is a doctor” said Eve quietly
“Doctor, eh?” He muttered
“Yes he is indeed!” she piped, oblivious to the consequences of her enthusiasm

Indeed, her sudden happiness exacerbated him and he was ablaze with dark fire. He violently picked up the roast beef sandwich squares and stuck them down her throat. Her lip were purple and her eyes had transitioned from a brilliant blue to a stormy grey. She chocked on the sandwich and hit the cold floor whilst whisperng ''Byron'' in a thunderstorm of emotions. Her unseeing eyes were staring blankly at Mr.Baxter. The red velvet chair creaked with urgency, bearing a secret that was not to be told.